Get me outta here!

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

And this is Our Solution

We offered a solution for their problem with Using IT/IS application named ‘deskop inventory’. This application is easy to use even for beginner. This application is be equipped with some features that fix with their company. 

The Features are
  1. Multi user
  2. Record keeping in and out stock using barcode and scanner.
  3. Return note  for purchasing and ordering shoes.
  4. Grouping shoes/stock based on type.
  5. Accounting the balance on real time 
This applicaion also completed with document generating system. This system will give some output in the form report, such as:
  1. Saldo awal persediaan (New Balance in inventory)
  2. Surat jalan (Travelling bill)
  3. bukti penerimaan barang (Stock in slip)
  4. bukti pengeluaran barang (Stock out slip)
  5. retur penjualan dan pembelian (Return of sales and purchase )
  6. catatan trend penjualan brang tahunan (kuantitas) (anuual trending note of sales)
  7. saldo akhir kuantitas per  kode produk (Old balance quantity/code product)

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